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sameStatusDiscovered(UUID) - Method in interface network.datahop.blediscovery.DiscoveryListener
setNotifier(BleAdvNotifier) - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.BLEAdvertising
Set the notifier that receives the events advertised when creating or destroying the group or when receiving users connections
setNotifier(BleDiscNotifier) - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.BLEServiceDiscovery
Set the notifier that receives the events advertised when creating or destroying the group or when receiving users connections
setServer(BluetoothGattServer) - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.GattServerCallback
start(String) - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.BLEAdvertising
This method configures AdvertiseSettings, starts advertising via BluetoothLeAdvertiser and starts the GATT server
start(String, long, long) - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.BLEServiceDiscovery
This method starts the service and periodically scans for users and tries to connect to them
stop() - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.BLEAdvertising
This method stops the advertising service
stop() - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.BLEServiceDiscovery
Stops the discovery service
stop() - Method in class network.datahop.blediscovery.GattServerCallback
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